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  • getting github education

    June 1, 2024

  • Starting out with Github Education: Getting the Student Developer Pack

    this article talks about how to get a totally free student developer pack filled with tools and everything needed to start out with coding and why you should get it

    // What is Github Student Developer Pack?

    this is a pack of very valuable benefits offered by Github's and it's Partners to verified students.

    // Why Should you get it?

    It includes amazing benefits such as a year free of a Namespace .me top-level domain name, free access to the Github Copilot Pair Programmer while you’re a student, just to name a few

    these benefits and resources will help you as a beginner or (not a beginner) to improve your learning experience.

    // How to Get It.

    \ prerequisites

    1. *be at least 13 years old.
    2. *have a an account on Github (2FA[2] must be enabled).
    3. *must possess a school-issued email that can be verified.
    4. *must possess school documents that prove current student status. [student id, admission letter].
    5. *at the time of application, you must be currently registered in a program that grants a degree or diploma.

    \ steps

    1. *first, head over to github education.

    2. *sign in into your github account.

    3. *click sign up for a student developer pack button.

    4. *fill the form attached.

    5. *submit the form.

      and... that's about it.

      on submission, your application will be reviewed and processed between 1hr and 8days

    [2] | Two-Factor Authentication